My Husband Keeps Up Late At Night. Is Locking Him Out A Good Way To Teach Him A Lesson?

Your husband keeps up late at night and you think the solution lies in you locking him out? Don't! Some men are ike dogs that have been chained for  long, waiting for the day the chain will be broken. Just remove the chain from their legs and watch the freedom. Locking him out is the best thing that may ever happen to him, as he'll majestically return to where he came from(that is if at all he was with a side chick). Do you know the dangers attached to you locking him out? It may escalate to something you never bargained for. Have you thought of the result of your pushing him to bond in a relationship you will end up regretting? If some women do it, don't because  just as all fingers aren't equal, the same goes for men. Men aren't the same. You may attempt it and it escalates to what you didn't bargain for. 

Have you found out from other women how their husbands spend nights and days outside? Yet they still wait patiently to receive him back. Sit him down, and let him know how much hurt you feel over his late nights. Pray over it as well, the universe can change him, yes! The universe can divert his attention from that thing outside to you. If he still does not change, get busy and forget him, I mean his late nights. So far as he is always back home, receive him. Don't forget that some desperate side chicks are like hungry lions hovering around for homes to devour, so hold your husband tight and tolerate his excesses. 

When we received this message, we interrogated some men to know the causes behind their late nights,  and we received some funny feedback which we'll want to share here with us. Some men claim that their wives are fond of making the house so scruffy, and so they choose to return home late when they feel sleepy to sleep off. Some men claim that their wives nag when they are around, and so they choose to return when she must have slept off. Some men claim they choose to return late when their children must have slept off to avoid their screams. Some claim they hang out with their friends or colleagues after work to have fun. Are these points valid enough for men or they are just looking for reasons to justify their deficiencies? My question is, where do they always put up while waiting to return home late to sleep when everyone must have slept? Men,  we all know the truth so stop hurting your wives. 

If you find that your home is unkempt, you can assist your wife to rearrange it for your comfort, or you call her attention to it. What if your wife is a working mum who returns in the evenings so exhausted? You need to understand her, and with the help of a house help, these things can be put in place. Don't run away from your house claiming that it is shabby. Also stating that your wives nag isn't a valid reason for choosing to put up late at night. Change from that lifestyle that pushes her to talk. No woman likes it when she's with her man and strange women are calling him. You know what triggers her to talk, and don't use that to justify yourself for keeping up late at night. Children are your heritage, so never attempt to use them to justify your deficiencies. Be a good father to your children by returning on time to sit, talk and play with them. Get used to their screams, see it as your entitlement. Many homes out there without children are seeking their cries or screams, so embrace them joyfully. Finally, hanging out with your friends or colleagues should not be always or every day, do make out time for your family too. Take your wife to some special places and spend some evenings with her. 

Men, there is no justifiable reason for spending late nights outside. Let your family be your priority. Whatsoever you know that is hurting your wife's feelings, strive to withdraw from it. There is no joy outside so make your home suitable and comfortable. Women, we also need to put an end to all these weak justifications against us, we need to spice up and work on all these points. Making our homes neat should be of paramount importance, strive to ignore his shortcomings when he's around, make him happy, and don't nag. The more you guys are happy together, the more he'll long to be at home on time with you. 

Once again, don't lock your husband out no matter his deficiencies. 

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