Can I Date My Neighbor Who Just Moved In? He's So Cute.

He's so cute, right? If you can't take your eyes off cute men, then get ready to make yourself available to millions of every cute Tom and Dick. 

Who is a neighbor? We could simply say that a neighbor is someone who lives next door to you or someone who shares the same vicinity as you. Being in a loving relationship with someone who lives next door to you is clumsy. It is not advisable for any responsible girl to date her neighbor. As a girl, you must cherish your integrity and personality in your neighborhood, don't trade with it. You command respect from your neighbors when your image is not tarnished.  Remember that men find it extremely difficult to stick to one person, so how will you feel if you're going out with him, and other girls are equally visiting him, how will you handle it? We all know that it is a sign of disrespect for a man you are dating to flaunt his girlfriends before you, but in this scenario, you bargained for it, so get prepared to embrace them or you bury your head in shame and back out. Don't dare try to fight him or any of his girlfriends, accept your fate and walk away or you keep acting as a substitute for him whenever his girlfriends are not available, that is if he will still want to consider having you as his bedmate. 

To make matters worst, you're the one even making advances at him not him. If I may ask; what is your problem? What do you want from that guy? Just to get you laid? Can't you discipline yourself and subdue that deadly urge that pushes you to react whenever you come across handsome men? You devalue yourself before a man when you start chasing after a man. He just moved into the neighborhood and you think he doesn't have a girlfriend? What he'll do if he's a player is just to use you and ditch you then still returns to his girlfriend,  is that what you want? I know 50% of girls who make advances at a man do it for fun according to them, not to date or establish a relationship. If you fall among this set, it's quite a pity. 

If you mess up with that guy, shall you keep messing up with other neighbors? Have in mind that when Mr. A is done with you,  Mr. B & C will work up the courage to get you laid as well. You lost your value long ago, so they all see you as an easy lay and want to have a taste of what others tasted. Even those that have not had any carnal knowledge of you will help to spread the news by telling people how they succeeded to get you laid as well. Avoid anything that may lead to discord between you and your neighbor. If your male neighbor makes marital advances, good! He knows the right things to do, so he should proceed. You are busily jeopardizing your reputation and you feel you are catching fun. A guy in the neighborhood can choose to date many girls in the neighborhood and at the end of the day,  he'll be hailed by his neighborhood playmates, but to a girl, you will end up being a laughing stock. 

Can you now see why it is inappropriate to date your neighbor? When he is done with you, you will hate yourself for having known him, and by then you will start to see him as your enemy. Your neighbor is meant to be a friend you can reach out to if an emergency occurs at home, but when you have created enmity with your neighbor through your careless impulse, how would you contact him in an emergency? Discipline yourself and don't attempt to date him. He's your neighbor, so keep a good neighborly relationship with him. There's nothing as beautiful as moving in your street with an air of pride, and nothing that commands respect from guys in the neighborhood to you when they have tried you but you maintain your dignity. A good name is better than riches, and so is your reputation, value it.

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