Sex as a topic is what adults should reflect on more often. Lack of sex in relationships and marriages has pulled down a lot of homes, it has caused untold friction in homes and relationships. "Show me a relationship without sex and I'll show you partners without intimacy" This simply tells us that sex strengthens, binds, and brings intimacy with our partners, also, there are a lot of health benefits in sex.
How Often Should We Have Sex? There is no limit on the number of times, as long as our body systems can carry. There is no health hazard attached to having sex every day, rather it helps to improve our health situations. Have we noticed how glowing we appear after a session of lovemaking with our partner? Sex improves our self-esteem, offers us pleasant sleep, lowers blood pressure as it reduces stress, relieves pains, treats heart diseases, etc. These are a few of what I can remember, but there are many health benefits attached to sex.
Severally women will say, "my spouse likes sex a lot, he wants it every day but I can't," my dear, you should count yourself lucky that you have a partner that desires you in bed often. Do you know what other women out there are going through just to get the attention of their man in bed, yet it doesn't work out? A lot of women complain that for over 1 year, some say 6 months that their spouse made love to them, so be grateful and work on how you can adopt his everyday sex life, and before you realize it your body system will adapt to it.
It is quite funny also, to see some women use sex during misunderstandings as a weapon to discipline their spouses. Some don't mind depriving him for months, forgetting that their actions may cause him to look for satisfaction outside. Yes, It is your body and you are entitled to react if your partner gets you upset, but don't dwell much on it to retaliate to him, else you may be indirectly pushing him to get pleasure outside and if he succeeds to establish a relationship with a side-chick who delivers to him at random, you'll still be the one crying helter-skelter begging to have him back.
Having a healthy sex life with our partner is what everyone should crave, but the more we age the more our body systems decline in sex drive. It is natural, so don't start to question your partner who is in his 60s why his sex drive is low unlike before. As we grow older with our spouses, our relationship satisfaction is more in security, communication, affection, etc rather than sexual fulfillment. Let's also know that a lot of aged people still enjoy their sexuality into their 70s and beyond. If you're someone with disabilities or ill, having a healthy sex life is more than lovemaking, you can engage and benefit in intimate acts like foreplay and the rest.
Let's keep our relationships and marriages sparkling with quality sex activities. Explore new methods with your partner. Ordering adult toys is appropriate as it helps to boost our sex drive and adds more fun to our sex lives. Visit cinemas with your partner and watch some romantic movies, it is not that you can't watch it at home together, but it is part of the fun, so don't limit your sex life to only your house, explore places. Once in a while, if you can afford to move into a good hotel with your partner, do it. The more you integrate these sex activities into your marriage, the more bliss and intimacy.
In summary, sex is a form of exercise that improves our health conditions. It helps to reduce depression and anxiety, it helps to boost our immune systems, radiates our inner minds, and makes us happy. Having seen the wonders of sex, hope you'll cultivate a new habit by integrating it into your homes. Make your sex life adventurous with your partner, and watch out for a blissful and glowing new you. Remember, you can have it as many times as your body demands.