About some months later when the lady made arrangements to leave the neighborhood for a new place. She was surprised when the man's wife approached her and expressed her fears at her decision to leave the neighborhood. She told her how her husband changed so drastically, only for her to hear him tell his brother who visited what transpired between you two, and how everyone backed you up and rebuked him. He further told his brother that since that period he learned to discipline himself and avoid joining issues with his wife, and since he changed, his wife also changed. The lady was surprised and happy to know that she was the instrument of peace in the family. The man's wife was afraid that her husband changed for the fear of the lady who now sees him as a nuisance, if she is gone, he may bounce back to his previous lifestyle.
Now tell us, who was the brain behind the chaos in that family?
Your fiancee nags a lot, and you don't know if you can cope with her? If you truly love her, you can't call it off with her. You must sit her down and address it. Forthrightly, we can't tell who nags between the two of you because some men are so good when it comes to nagging. They can drag trivial issues from morning till night, even till the next day. They feel that they are the man of the house, and so they should bark. You are the man of the house by displaying your responsibility as a caring and loving father/husband.
Women, remember that two wrongs don't make a right, so we have roles to play in our relationships as no man cherishes a nagging partner. There is always a misunderstanding in a relationship, but measuring up and combatting words with a man is uncalled for. There must always be a leader who is the man, and contending words with him may be doing us more harm than good. Click on this link to see the dangers of what we may be ignorantly causing upon ourselves. https://yvonnedaniels.blogspot.com/2023/01/my-husband-keeps-up-late-at-night-im.html?m=1
If I may ask, what causes your fiancee to nag? Does she just wake up and walk up to you and start nagging? There must be something that triggers her unless you want to tell us that she's mentally deranged. Now you have to help her and help yourself. Observe to know what triggers her to start nagging, then if in any way you contribute to it, do withdraw! Can you emulate what the man in the story above did? Even if he was faking it, he must have faked it and gotten used to it, you know that practice makes perfect? The more consistency, the more one adapts to it. Men don't also forget that women have the strength and a defense system with their mouths, so joining and dragging issues with a woman will trigger her more. (Although not all women. Some women can ignore you no matter how you nag at them). As a man, do you know you degrade and condescend to low when joining issues with a woman? She sees you as her equal, so withdraw!
Develop a new habit in you. Whenever you are together, control yourself as a man. Be observant to study her, know when the nagging starts to ignore joining issues with her and be at peace. Keep trying it and get used to it, also watch out to know if she will not change.