How I Ended Up With A Ghost On Valentine's Night

This is 2 am and I'm writing this down to keep busy till daybreak, and also for players like me who believe in toying around with the emotions of ladies to reconsider their footsteps. I've been hearing ghost stories but they sound like fiction to me not until I'm a witness. 

Bright is my name, but my friends call me lover boy. Truly I'm a lover boy,  I'm a fun-loving guy who knows how to walk his way into a girl's heart.  There's no club in town that I don't visit, and there's no girl I admire that I don't get. I just love life. I'm not broke, and I'm not rich either, but I package myself to get anything I want. 

I had the surprise of my life yesterday when all my girls ended up disappointing me, so I hit the street to pick any available girl to spend my Valentine's night with.  I deserved the disappointment from these girls as I have never been serious with any of them, so probably they were all booked up with serious dates to spend their Valentine with.  "Hell no!  I can't sleep alone tonight, I must hit the street to get one stranded babe, yes, there must be a girl who must have faced disappointment tonight from her man, I'll grab her to console tonight," I told my neighbor who was about checking out with his babe. "Lover boy, know whom you bring home tonight, we want a pleasant sleep tonight not a babe that will cry and disrupt our fun,"  my neighbor told me.  "You guys should get prepared,  I want to enjoy my Valentine tonight at its peak," I told him.  "I trust you. let me check out as my friends are waiting for me, see you later," he said and left with his girlfriend.  I took my time to package myself then a few minutes later I hit the street with the auction car I bought at an affordable price. 

Wow! Everywhere was filled with babes; I was heading to the club but chose to pick a girl on the street to act as my Valentine to the club. As I kept driving down the road,  I became so confused as the number of beautiful girls kept increasing on the road, and as I tried to turn my left, this very girl got my attention, and I had to slow down to have a good glimpse of her at the side mirror.  The more I looked at her, the more I got captivated by her beauty. I gave her a signal but she continued to fiddle with her phone without even looking up in my direction.  I guess she's trying to get across to her Valentine, no way,  I must get down and get you! The same way babes have disappointed me tonight, you must also disappoint your man tonight. I said as I alighted from my car and walked up to her.  "What could an angel be standing here alone doing?" I told her smiling and trying to put up my charming mood, but she only looked up and went back to fiddling with her phone with no word or smile.  I continued, "Hello, you're such a beauty.  Bright is my name and you?"  She waved at me. I got confused as to why the waving,  is that her way of greeting or she's waving for me to go? Is she dumb, can't she talk? You are too beautiful for me to walk away,  even if you are dumb, you must follow me tonight.  I kept talking to myself.  "My angel, can we have a drive together? I'm a stranger and I need someone to show me the way around town. I have just been transferred to this city not up to a week; please do you mind showing me around tonight?" She looked up and stared at me without saying a word. The more she stared at me the more her beauty captivated me.  I stretched out my hands for her and surprisingly she held my hands. "Thank you, angel," I told her as I held her hand to the car. I opened the front seat for her and she entered.  "So which direction?" I asked her.  She used her hand to give me a straight-ahead direction, still on her phone.  "Sorry, don't you talk? I'll like to hear your beautiful voice?" I told her. She looked up at me and smiled, then after like 3 minutes she said, "I think we can stop here." She finally spoke with a beautiful voice just like her beauty. It was not my kind of place but since I'd already lied to her that I was new to town I decided to bend to her choice. I tried convincing her to know my place and she inclined. 

2 hours later we were at my place. I had already visualized how I'll get her to scream like a cat so that my neighbors will hail me in the morning,  but at the peak of lovemaking, I slept off.  As I woke up early in the morning, behold someone seated on the bed staring at me.  "Angel,  you didn't sleep?" I asked her.  "I'm just waking up," she said.  She looked so sad and it dawned on me that I slept off while trying to touch her. Could it be the reason she is sad, finding me so frustrating.? "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me last night, but I'm gonna make it up to you this morning," I told her as I began to touch her and she responded to it. Babes, they like sex but they can pretend,  so this is why you had to wake up early feeling so moody? Don't worry I'm giving it to you this morning before I rush up for work. I talked to myself. I tried all I could but my body wasn't active.  What is happening? Could it be I'm so stressed?  I'm almost late for work yet my body isn't active. No! you can't escape from my hands. I must have a taste of her later in the evening. 

"Angel, I'm almost late for work, so you'll wait till when I'm back in the evening," I told her. "No, I can't wait. I need to reach the house. I'll be here this evening when you're back," she told me. "How am I sure you're coming back?" I asked her. "Okay,  I can drop my handbag, at least I'll come for it," she said as she dropped her bag on my reading table. "That is my angel," I teased her as I hastened to the bathroom and in 20 minutes, I was done and we both moved out. I stopped her at the location she directed me to. "Can I come here and pick you up when I'm back this evening?" I asked her. "No, don't worry. I know my way and I'll be there this evening," she told me. "Alright, I'll call to notify you when I'm back," I told her as I brought out five thousand naira, "You can have this for your breakfast and lunch,"  Normally I hardly give out money to women,  but I did this to win her heart to come for more. She collected and I zoomed off my car as I was getting late. 

I arrived at the office and my colleagues cheered me,  "Lover boy, how was your Valentine?" one of my colleagues asked me. "You don't need to ask him, when I drive past him this morning, I saw a lady leaning on his car. Lover boy, who was that lady? How long have you known her?"  "If you like her simply tell me and I'll pass her to you when I'm done with her," I told him. "I'm asking because she looks much like my late cousin's fiancee who died three months ago," he told me.  "I said it if you like what you saw, trust me to pass her over to you when I'm done," I told him. As I said it he was busy on his phone, then he walked up to me and showed me a Facebook account which rest in peace was boldly written on the timeline. "Just have a look at the profile pictures, is that not the girl I sighted by your car this morning?" I felt numb as what I saw was my new catch. "Finally, lover boy ended up with a ghost last night. Please tell us about the experience, did you enjoy her?" my other colleague laughed at me.  I was still speechless. "No,  the person on the profile picture is just her look-alike," I said to douse my fears.  "I pray so," he said as he walked away. I couldn't concentrate on my work, I kept going back to the profile picture and my new date. The striking resemblance was pretty obvious. 

At home, my anxiety about seeing her dispelled the fear I had at the office.  I called her line to let her know that I was back, but to no avail, as the connection kept dropping. At least she's coming for her bag, I said as I evaluated her expensive handbag. I was in the bathroom freshening up when I heard a knock on the door. Wow! She's finally here. I can't wait to explore her. I ran out with a towel wrapped around my body to the door. I opened it and behold there was no one.  Maybe I didn't hear it right, it could be an assumption.  I said as I returned to pick up where I left off. Two hours when I was done eating,  I heard a loud knock on the door.  This girl is yet to know me. What time is it now? So after visiting other men, she still chooses to visit me so to collect another cash. For stressing me, you are done! I said as I walked to the door, I checked, yet there was no one. I think the loud bang must have come from my neighbor's house, but what could be keeping this girl from coming back? Has she forgotten she left her handbag behind? I need to check that bag to know if there are any valuable items. I said as I walked back to the room. I opened her bag and saw some make-up items. Girls are not tired of carrying their make-up. 

A few hours later I felt so exhausted and I went to the bed. "Don't touch my bag again" I heard it so vividly. " Who is this?" I asked as I swiftly got up from the bed and looked around to see where the voice was coming from.  I had a flashback of what my colleague said in the office and I became more afraid, "She looks much like my late cousin's fiancee who passed away three months ago".  I reached out to my colleague and asked for the Facebook account of his late cousin's fiancee and he gave me it.  As I went through the pictures, the pictures carry the same black mark she has on her neck. So I ended up with a ghost last night? I asked myself. The house became so heavy, then I heard footsteps approaching my room. I tried to yell out but I couldn't. I was stiff and afraid and before I knew it, I slept off. I woke up around 2.30 am when I felt someone's body clinging to my side, and when I looked around the room,  the bag had disappeared from the table 

I can't sleep anymore. I just pray and wish the day breaks so I could get out of this house. All my friends,  neighbors, and colleagues had a great time with their partners on valentine's day, but due to my crazy lifestyle,  I ended up not having a girlfriend but a ghost. If I should get over this tonight,  I'll retrace my footsteps. 

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