My Husband Has Changed. I Wonder If He Still Loves Me.

Your husband loves you and will continue to love you. What you are seeing is very common and natural. We are all humans and when we strive to achieve something we have dreamed of so much, we breathe and release the pressures of the past. He has rest of mind now, no more confusion from other rivals. He knows he has no competitors now as he fully owns you, so what else? 

I can remember a lady crying out two years ago and narrating how her husband before her marriage used to adore her, open the front car door for her, ensure she's given a seat first before he can sit in the public,  or pull out a chair for her to sit first, used to take her to the saloon to make her hair and wait over watching and admiring her, etc but after they got married, she discovered that her husband stopped opening the car door for her, let alone to take her to the salon and stay till she's done.  

Love still exists, even stronger than before so relax and know that he now feels extremely safe, as he now sees you as a part of him. His joy knows no bounds as you are finally bearing his name. Listen,  then he was busy knocking at your door for you to open and so you don't expect him to have knocked recklessly,  he's got to knock appealingly to win your heart to let him in. How can he still be knocking after he's won your heart and settled down? 

A lady also said that while courting her man, whenever he visited and she was set for church,  he'll join her the Church,  at some point, he almost made her church his church but after getting married, the same Church he used to praise was the same he listed out its flaws and stopped every attempt of stopping by. 

Another lady also said that while she was dating her husband,  she was also seeing someone else she knew before him and that severally when she traveled to meet the other person, her husband whom she was dating would see her off at the bus park and paid her fare to and fro even when his instincts must have told him that she's traveling to see another man due to the funny phone conversations he must have heard, but that very man that was seen as a weakling displayed his manly authority when they later got married. 

Ladies, do we remember how we used to go sexy, parading our nude bodies with only g-strings attached to our waist? What about the hot bum shorts we used to flaunt whenever we were together with our man when we were yet to get married, do we still go sexy with those items? A lot of us abandoned our sexy micro undies the moment we got married and settled for boxers.  Do we still remember how we used to call or send sweet naughty messages when we were dating or courting? Do we still remember how we used to ask after his mother or check on his family? Do we still remember how we used to go the extra mile to prove to our partners while we were dating that we are the best? Do we still stress ourselves to prove that point to him now that we are happily married? That is just a point to tell us that it happens naturally. The same way we've changed is the same way our partners have changed, but that doesn't imply that we've stopped loving our partners. 

We were equally expecting him to knock at our door, so to open it for him to see how lucky he is to have us, how beautiful and sexy we are than other ladies out there. Does it mean we no longer love him as we got married and we gradually withdrew from those things we used to do to entice him? No! We love and value our husbands,  the truth remains that having tied the knot with him, we have this air of confidence and trust that we are his favorite; he loves and accepts us, and finally belongs to us as he chose us over other girls who were flaunting to get his attention.  This security confidence beclouds us and we fail to see and know that we have gradually retreated from our initial traits. 

Tying the knots is a beautiful thing, as our security guarantee is built and offers us peace of mind, so don't panic, keep loving your partner, and be rest assured that his love for you is immeasurable despite what you may see and assume.

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